Thursday, 27 May 2021

My future vehicle

                                   Today we made future vehicles. I had to make my one on paper because my internet wasn't working. I really enjoyed to make my future vehicle. I found challenging to find the possibilities that my motorbike can do. Next time i would change to make it be able to hover.

It charges by solar and the stuff it can do is glow, adjust speed, auto pilot and fit 5 people. 


Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Jesus ascends to heaven.

Today we were making google drawings about Jesus ascending to heaven. It was so enjoying to make my google drawing about Jesus ascending to heaven. I found challenging to find the right shapes to make it.

Next time i would change to add different shapes. 

My Prayer Space

Today i was making a prayer space with my mum and dad. The cushion is for when i was kneeling down and saying prayers. I enjoyed making my prayer space because it was fun to add the designs.
I found quite challenging to look for the items around my house.
Next time i would add more detail to my prayer space.


Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Olden days quiz

Today I was learning to use evidence to answer questions.  My digital learning object shows voice recording using mote and my evidence from the story. 

I enjoyed making a good learning quiz.

I found tricky to make up hard questions

The new learning I can celebrate is making a quiz.


Monday, 10 May 2021


Today me seb and santino were working on aerofoils. I struggled to make the aerofoils because it was hard to do the instructions. This is my aerofoil i worked on.

Friday, 7 May 2021

My google form quiz


Today I was learning to generate questions from what I read. My digital learning object shows my google form quiz.

I enjoyed making the quiz.

I found tricky making the hard quizzes.

Next time I would like to add more questions.